Our Solar System consists of the Sun at the center. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto all orbit around the Sun in cycles of various times. The Moon orbits around planet Earth to complete the system.
The spatial distribution of the planets is not random. Their various distances from the Sun can be seen to generally follow the pattern of the Fibonacci sequence. Our cosmos is part of a grand design made by the Creator.
The vast majority of people have not stopped to consider this fascinating feature of our heavens. As various planets make aspects with one another, their gravitational influences affect our emotions. After all, our bodies are made of mainly water. Our emotions, in turn, affect our propensity to initiate technological advances, to wage war, and to buy and sell on the financial markets.
Our emotions are affected by more than just planetary aspects. Retrograde motion, aphelion, and perihelion events are also powerful.
Perhaps the most powerful component of our cosmos is the Moon. In the late 1930s, a mysterious figure going by the name Louise McWhirter wrote a book in which the monthly passage of the Moon around the 12 zodiac signs was detailed. Times of Moon passing key zodiac points and times when Moon made hard aspects to other planets were shown to have an impact on the NYSE price action. My research has now shown that this lunar influence extends to individual stocks and individual commodity futures contracts.
McWhirter also worked closely with an official from the Cleveland Bank. The economic data provided by the Bank showed there to be an 18.6 year economic cycle based on the passage of the North Node of Moon through the 12 zodiac signs. This cycle has since been confirmed to be accurate by academic researchers. In fact, the existence of this cycle has been tracked all the way back to the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s. The financial elite use this cycle to their advantage. But they keep its existence carefully guarded. Thanks to astrologers like Alphee Lavoie, who re-published McWhirter’s 1937 manuscript, knowledge of this cycle is once again in the public domain.
As the various planets orbit the Sun, they wander above and below the ecliptic plane of motion. This is called declination. Venus and Mars at their declination extremes have a track record of aligning to price trend changes on some commodities and on some equity market indices. There is even a connection to some crypto currencies.
In 1946 a financial astrologer by the name of Garth Allan (his alias was Donald Bradley) incorporated the declination of Venus and Mars into what he called the Bradley Model. This model, when plotted on paper, shows various turns and inflection points. These points align to price trend changes on the Dow Jones and S&P 500.
W.D. Gann also followed planetary declination. He hinted at this in his book Tunnel Through the Air. My back-testing has shown the importance of determining the declination of Venus and Mars at the date when a particular stock or commodity started trading for the first time (first trade date). Times into the future when Venus and Mars again pass by these declination levels often align to price trend changes.
Faster moving planets like Mercury and Venus passing by slower moving planets (making aspects) have a unique alignment to price action on equity markets, currencies and commodities. Many of these aspects were studied in detail by American astrologer and market trader Jeanne Long.
From time to time during a calendar year, Mercury will be at its greatest easterly or westerly elongation points. During a calendar year, Mercury will also appear to be retrograde (moving backwards) in the sky. These various times all have a powerful alignment to price trend changes across markets.
Periodically, Venus will be an Inferior and Superior conjunction with the Sun. These events are tied to Venus appearing as a Morning Star or an Evening Star. The alignment to price trend changes across markets is uncanny.
Cycles even extend into Kaballah mathematics. Heliocentric advances of Venus and Mars when examined through the lends of sacred mathematics have a curious alignment to price trend turning points across markets.
Cycles also can be viewed through the lens of the Hebrew lunar-based calendar. US author and Rabii, Jonathan Cahn, has done a masterful job of revealing these mysteries.
All of the above cyclical behavior intertwines and overlaps. In the early 1970s, a NASA mathematician by the name of J.M. Hurst dissected price data from the Dow Jones Industrial Average. His work showed the various individual cycles that comprise price data over time. Today, there are software programs that can help a person to figure out the dominant cycles that underpin price action on stocks and commodities.
Lastly, cycle work was advanced in a meaningful way in the 1990s by a German legal scholar named Theodor Landscheidt. In his writings, he focused on the gravitational attraction between the Sun and massive planet Jupiter. He was able to show how this changing pattern of attraction influences not only the weather on planet Earth, but also the equity markets.
My books, blogs, and newsletters aim to take these cosmic cyclical occurrences and express them in an easy to understand, helpful manner for traders and investors to use. Our cosmos is a grand design. Our cosmos is all about cyclical behavior. This valuable information should not be guarded by the financial elite. It should be shared with everyone. And that is my mission……
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