2022 Financial Astrology Almanac
The financial markets are inexorably influenced by Astrology. New Moons, Mercury Retrograde, Venus Retrograde, Planetary Declination, Superior Conjunctions, and Natal Transits all variously bear curious alignments to short term and long term changes on stocks, indices and commodity futures. The connection between Astrology and markets is not new. In the early years of the 20th century, the most successful traders on Wall Street, including the venerable W.D. Gann and the mysterious Louise McWhirter, recognized the link between the financial markets and Astrology. They repeatedly used their knowledge of Astrology to profitably trade the markets at certain key dates when price fluctuations and trend changes were most likely to occur. For each month in 2021, this Almanac will show you the key dates to watch for on US equity markets which are the cornerstone of the global financial system. Significant key dates that influence the US markets will also bear heavily on other global equity indices. These key dates have been determined using the exact same methodology as used by W.D. Gann, Louise McWhirter, Donald Bradley and other notable astrologers. In addition, this Almanac will present you with valuable information on the Astrology of selected commodity futures contracts as well as valuable information on Oreste harmonic lines – a uniquely powerful method pioneered by Italian mathematician Fabio Oreste. This Almanac is a lot of material packed into a small publication. If you are serious about getting an edge in the markets, this Almanac is a must have.