What subscribers are saying…..

“Your insights rock!!” – G.L. – London, UK.,

By the way, the astro events you provided me in Lean Hogs worked their magic today. (Hogs closed Limit Up !!!!) P.B. – USA

The financial markets are dynamic entities that reflect the mass psychology of traders and investors. This psychology is influenced by events in the cosmos.

The Astrology Letter was launched in 2013 to reinforce the connection between the financial markets and astrology, astronomy, & esoteric mathematical techniques. The motivating moment for me to create the Astrology Letter was the 2012 United Astrology Conference in New Orleans. I had decided to attend this event to validate once and for all whether or not financial astrology was a viable concept. The rest, as they say, is history.

Ever since the founding of the New York Stock Exchange in 1792, sophisticated traders and elite financial institutions have been quietly using esoteric math, planetary alignments, cycles, and quantum physics to make astute financial decisions. Did you know that the time of the first trade in 1792 was orchestrated such that the Ascendant was at 14 of Cancer, the location of the star Sirius? If you were not aware of this – no worries. The power-players who control the global markets have been careful to keep their techniques and strategies concealed.

In the early decades of the 1900’s, personalities like W.D. Gann realized the connection between the planets and the markets. But traders like Gann had to be careful for in those days it was a statutory offense in places like New York to use “arcane” techniques to earn a profit. A person using astrology or astronomy to navigate the financial markets was no different than a person reading palms and tea leaves on the street corner.

W.D. Gann focused on the planetary positions in the natal birth horoscope of the various commodity Exchanges. He also focused retrograde events, planetary declinations, Fibonacci ratios, and Quantum Lines (based on his Wheel of 24). Gann’s insight was emboldened in 1937 when an astrologer by the name of Louise McWhirter penned a book in which she revealed the connection between cycles of the Moon and the New York Stock Exchange.

After WW 2, investing started to become popular amongst average people. The power-players that dominated Wall Street grew concerned. They could not allow the average person to gain an understanding of the connection between the planets and the markets. They engaged academics from institutions like Yale University. What emerged from the academic thinkers was the idea of Modern Portfolio Theory which stated that investing was for the long term. Buy and hold…and hold….and hold. Never mind the ups and downs on the markets. Just keep holding. For the next several decades, the connection between the planets and the markets faded to almost nothing. Yet, behind the scenes the power-players continued to use their knowledge of the planets to amass fortunes.

In the early 1970s, NASA mathematician J.M. Hurst made a fortuitous discovery. He recognized that data collected from the various Apollo missions was a “data time series”. He used Fourier transform mathematics to reveal the dominant cycles in the data. As a personal side-project he decided to study data from the Dow Jones Industrial Average. He soon realized that it too was a time series and he used Fourier mathematics to reveal the dominant cycles within. Since the 1970s, algorithms for revealing cycles in data time series have become more sophisticated. I routinely use one of these algorithms to analyze daily and weekly price data for stocks, commodities and indices.

Each Astrology Letter will examine selected stocks, commodities and indices using the techniques of W.D. Gann, Louise McWhirter, Georg Bayer, and other notable personalities from 1920s – 1940s. Subscribers are always welcome to submit a request to have a particular stock, commodity or index studied and profiled.  Each Astrology Letter will provide timely updates on the cyclic behavior of major market indices and commodities.

Over time, it is hoped that subscribers will glean sufficient knowledge from having read successive Letters so as to begin applying these techniques to their personal investment decisions. It is hoped that the Astrology Letter will forever change the way you look at the financial markets.

** You can look forward to receiving the Astrology Letter at least two times per month.**

For an example of a past Astrology Letter from September 2024, click here.

Astrology Letter subscriptions are priced at Cdn$ 20 per month, each month until you decide to cancel. The following PAYPAL button will help you get started.

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**NOTE** – I will be out of the office for 2 weeks starting Feb 11th. So- if you subscribe, you may not immediately hear from me.