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Musical Harmony
A couple years back when I was doing astrology research in the British Library I stumbled upon a book by author Constance Brown. After presenting various thoughts on chart technical analysis, she took a hard left turn and started postulating on how musical tones might align to price behaviour on stocks and commodities.
Unfortunately, she was unable to explain this connection in a clear enough manner for me to grasp.
On a subsequent visit to Toronto, I happened into an independent bookstore where I found a book entitled Quadruvium – The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music and Cosmology.
Believe me… I am not a musician. I play the radio and the CD player and not much else. But I have now scoured the pages of this Quadruvium book and I think I now see where Constance Brown was coming from with her musical theory.
Using a starting point of 261.62 Hertz (middle C), one can derive the scale of audible musical frequencies.
The following table is a partial list of frequencies:
frequency Musical note
8.17579892 C(-1)
8.66195722 C#/Db(-1)
9.17702400 D(-1)
9.72271824 D#/Eb(-1)
10.30086115 E(-1)
10.91338223 F(-1)
11.56232571 F#/Gb(-1)
12.24985737 G(-1)
12.97827180 G#/Ab(-1)
13.75000000 A(-1)
14.56761755 A#/Bb(-1)
15.43385316 B(-1)
16.35159783 C0
17.32391444 C#/Db0
18.35404799 D0
19.44543648 D#/Eb0
20.60172231 E0
21.82676446 F0
23.12465142 F#/Gb0
24.49971475 G0
25.95654360 G#/Ab0
27.50000000 A0
29.13523509 A#/Bb0
30.86770633 B0
32.70319566 C1
34.64782887 C#/Db1
36.70809599 D1
38.89087297 D#/Eb1
41.20344461 E1
43.65352893 F1
46.24930284 F#/Gb1
48.99942950 G1
51.91308720 G#/Ab1
55.00000000 A1
58.27047019 A#/Bb1
61.73541266 B1
65.40639133 C2
69.29565774 C#/Db2
73.41619198 D2
77.78174593 D#/Eb2
82.40688923 E2
87.30705786 F2
92.49860568 F#/Gb2
97.99885900 G2
103.82617439 G#/Ab2
110.00000000 A2
116.54094038 A#/Bb2
123.47082531 B2
130.81278265 C3
138.59131549 C#/Db3
146.83238396 D3
155.56349186 D#/Eb3
164.81377846 E3
174.61411572 F3
184.99721136 F#/Gb3
195.99771799 G3
207.65234879 G#/Ab3
220.00000000 A3
233.08188076 A#/Bb3
246.94165063 B3
261.62556530 C4
277.18263098 C#/Db4
293.66476792 D4
311.12698372 D#/Eb4
329.62755691 E4
349.22823143 F4
369.99442271 F#/Gb4
391.99543598 G4
415.30469758 G#/Ab4
440.00000000 A4
466.16376152 A#/Bb4
493.88330126 B4
523.25113060 C5
554.36526195 C#/Db5
587.32953583 D5
622.25396744 D#/Eb5
659.25511383 E5
698.45646287 F5
739.98884542 F#/Gb5
783.99087196 G5
830.60939516 G#/Ab5
880.00000000 A5
932.32752304 A#/Bb5
987.76660251 B5
1046.50226120 C6
1108.73052391 C#/Db6
1174.65907167 D6
1244.50793489 D#/Eb6
1318.51022765 E6
1396.91292573 F6
1479.97769085 F#/Gb6
1567.98174393 G6
1661.21879032 G#/Ab6
1760.00000000 A6
1864.65504607 A#/Bb6
1975.53320502 B6
2093.00452240 C7
2217.46104781 C#/Db7
2349.31814334 D7
2489.01586978 D#/Eb7
2637.02045530 E7
2793.82585146 F7
2959.95538169 F#/Gb7
3135.96348785 G7
3322.43758064 G#/Ab7
3520.00000000 A7
3729.31009214 A#/Bb7
3951.06641005 B7
4186.00904481 C8
4434.92209563 C#/Db8
4698.63628668 D8
4978.03173955 D#/Eb8
5274.04091061 E8
5587.65170293 F8
5919.91076339 F#/Gb8
6271.92697571 G8
6644.87516128 G#/Ab8
7040.00000000 A8
7458.62018429 A#/Bb8
7902.13282010 B8
8372.01808962 C9
In the Jan 16th E-Alert, I presented numerous examples of stocks and commodities to show how frequencies can be used to define support and resistance levels. The following is one of those examples:
The following chart illustrates daily price action on Gold of late. In March 2014, with the stochastic in short term overbought territory Gold was struggling to get above the 1396.91 Hz frequency level. A sell signal followed shortly thereafter. In May 2014, Gold prices found support at the 1244.50 Hz frequency and a buy signal followed thereafter on the DMI and stochastic. In July 2014, price was struggling to get and stay above the 1318.51 Hz frequency. A technical sell signal followed thereafter. In October 2014, price was struggling to get above the 1244.5 Hz level and a sell signal resulted. In December 2014, a rally faltered as price stalled out at the 1244.5 Hz frequency level.
Support for Gold right now rests at the 1174.65 Hz level. Any violation of that support will see the 1108.73 Hz level come into play. I would be a buyer of Gold if price action could get and stay above the 1244.50 Hz level.
USA natal history
the following is an excerpt from the Jan 9, 2015 E-alert, written while I was on vacation in Bisbee, Arizona:
Ask anyone when the birthday of America is – and they will quickly tell you July 4, 1776 – the date the Declaration of Independence was signed.
The other day I made an accidental find here in Bisbee, Arizona when I spotted on the bottom shelf in a dusty old antique shop a book by famed astrology Jim Lewis. Lewis and his contemporaries have done serious back-testing on the subject of America’s birth date and subsequent dates in history that occurred at hard aspects to the birth date. What they have concluded is that the most appropriate birth date for America is actually July 6, 1775. This is the date the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia issued a formal written Declaration of War against England’s King George III.
I will be using this birth date in my studies of significant turning points in American history. One longer cycle of time that I follow is that of heliocentric Uranus which takes 84 years to orbit the Sun. If one traces the movement of Uranus and its long cycles, it can be seen that from a start date of 1775 – a cycle of Uranus takes us to the events in time aligning to the election of Abraham Lincoln and the subsequent Civil War. Add another Uranus cycle and we land right in the midst of the Second World War. Add another Uranus cycle and we land in 2027. This is interesting in light of the 18.6 year economic cycle that I have talked about at length in various E-Alerts and in my published books. The year 2027 is slated to be the bottom (or end) of the current economic cycle that started in late 2008. I will leave it to you to speculate on what 2027 might bring in light of the past 2 Uranus cycles having aligned to wars.
Soybeans and McWhirter Astrology
Soybean futures started trading for the first time on October 5, 1936. Thus, the transiting Sun will make a 0 degree hard aspect to Soybeans natal Sun early in October of each year. The following chart illustrates daily nearest Soybean prices.
I have overlaid this chart with the 0, 90 and 180 degree aspects of transiting Sun and transiting Mars to the natal Sun position. Note how back in April-June, 2014 Mars was Retrograde and this spent a good deal of time in and around the Soybeans natal Sun position. This event coincided with a price peak on Soybeans. More recently, Soybeans exhibited a trend shift at the end of September, just as transiting Sun was passing the natal sun location. This trend shift was confirmed by the Slow Stochastic. A price inflection point was registered in early November as Mars made a 90 degree aspect to the natal Sun location.
To add further to my observations in my Dec 10th E-Alert, please note that geocentric Mars will be 0 degrees to Uranus on March 5, 2015. Also at this time, Mars will be 120 degrees to Jupiter and Uranus will be 120 degrees to Jupiter.
** It is reasonable to then expect a significant development on Soybeans at this early March timeframe. **
Follow-up: The following chart shows that in fact something did happen to Soybeans price at or near March 5, 2015. Once again, McWhirter astrology prevails !
Mercury – Small but Mighty…
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is also the closest to the Sun. As a result of its proximity to the powerful gravitational pull of the Sun, Mercury moves very quickly – completing an orbit of the Sun in 88 days.
Scientists at NASA have now concluded that Mercury does in fact have a di-polar magnetic field. This field is strong enough to deflect solar wind particles that have emanated from the Sun. These solar winds then carry on towards the Earth. Scientists have also determined that Mercury has an eccentric orbit in which its distance from the Sun will range from 46 million kms to 70 million kms. When Mercury is nearer to the Sun (ie… 46 million kms away), it is moving at its fastest (~56.6 kms per second). When Mercury is farther from the Sun (ie… 70 million kms away), it is moving slower (~38.7 kms per second). The point where it is nearest to the Sun is called Perihelion. The point where it is farthest from the Sun is called Aphelion.
One must also consider the Superior and Inferior Conjunctions of Mercury. When Mercury is between the Earth and the Sun, it is in Inferior Conjunction. When Sun is between Earth and Mercury, then Mercury is said to be at Superior Conjunction. It helps to think of Mercury at Inferior Conjunction as being the start of a new 88 day cycle.
The following charts of the S&P 500 and also of Gold illustrate the influence of Mercury.
I have overlaid these charts with Mercury greatest east and West elongation points (labelled E and W), Mercury Perihelion and Aphelion points (labelled P and A) as well as Superior and Inferior Conjunctions (labelled Inf and Sup).
The following list is dates to watch for when Mercury will be at a key part of its orbit.
2015/05/07 Mercury Greatest Elongation East
2015/05/30 Mercury Inferior Conjunction
2015/06/02 Mercury Aphelion
2015/06/24 Mercury Greatest Elongation West
2015/07/16 Mercury Perihelion
2015/07/23 Mercury Superior Conjunction
2015/08/29 Mercury Aphelion
2015/09/04 Mercury Greatest Elongation East
2015/09/30 Mercury Inferior Conjunction
Soybeans and the Spiral Calendar
For an interesting read, I recommend Christopher Carolan’s book, The Spiral Calendar.
In this publication, Mr. Carolan unveils a unique counting system based on the Fibonacci Sequence and the 29.5 day lunar cycle.
In a recent edition of the Astrology E-Alert, I introduced subscribers to this bit of mathematical wizardry. From significant market highs (or lows) one can apply this technique to produce future projected time intervals.
The following chart is that of Soybeans. I have overlaid this chart with some Spiral Calendar day counts. Notice how these counts align quite nicely to peaks and valleys in price? The Universe is more complex than we think.
Future price highs and lows are already pre-determined. We just don’t realize it because we are so fixated on the here and now…..
Heliocentric Hard Aspects and Human Emotion
On page 114, Farrell recounts the story of how in 1946 RCA (Radio Corporation of America) erected a telescope in lower Manhattan to observe sunspots and their effect on radio wave transmissions. The RCA engineers correlated their sunspot observations to heliocentric planetary placements and they found some unique results. They found that hard aspects of
(Venus and / or Mercury) to any of Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus resulted in radio wave distortions.
With this in mind, I invite you to cast attention back to January 2014 when the North American markets started the year with a sell-off. In my December 2013 E-Alert I displayed a standard McWhirter chart of the coming Jan 1, 2014 New Moon and I stated – “I have outlined in yellow, the two T-Square formations that include the New Moon point in Capricorn.
Under the McWhirter approach, hard aspects involving Uranus and Mars imply some volatility for the month ahead”.
Let’s now overlay these comments with a heliocentric planetary chart for January 2, 2014 as follows:
Note the unique aspects that were in play at that time. Venus was 90 degrees Uranus. Venus was 0 degrees Earth. Earth was 90 degrees Uranus. Jupiter was 90 degrees Uranus. Jupiter was 0 degrees to Earth. Earth and Jupiter were 180 degrees to Pluto and Mercury. Mercury had just completed a 90 degree aspect to Uranus a couple days earlier. Earth and Jupiter were 120 degrees to Saturn. Earth and Venus were 120 degrees to Neptune. Mars was 180 degrees to Neptune. In addition, Mercury was at its maximum declination as was Venus.
Very simply stated – our solar system is a dynamic electrical one. We mortals here on Earth are the recipients of energy from the cosmos that arrives as a result of sunspots and solar radiation. These sunspots are affected by the gravitational forces between planets which range in magnitude as a result of planetary alignments. This energy in turn affects our bodies (which are mainly made of water and carbon) which produce emotions which affect our buying and selling decisions on the financial markets. This example profoundly illustrates how a complex arrangement of planets can trigger some major movements on the markets.
In a recent edition of my Astrology E-Alert I went on to illustrate to subscribers how unique heliocentric aspects were responsible for the market sell-off that started in late September 2014. To keep abreast of unique developments such as heliocentric aspects that can influence human emotion and the markets – I welcome you to become a subscriber to the E-Alert.
Alibaba ( Nasdaq;BABA)
Now that I have more price data to work with, I have refined this notion and I now advise that Neptune quantum lines are the ones to use. On the following chart I have sketched in the Neptune lines. I have indicated the price levels where some of these quantum lines reside. On your price charts at home you can use a ruler and a pencil to extend these lines several months forward. I have also overlaid Mars lines. If you are using Market Analyst software, I will be happy to email you the template workbook for this Alibaba chart complete with quantum lines so you don’t have to waste time calculating them.
There appears to be a coming intersection of Mars and Neptune quantum price lines in late December. Watch carefully.
I have also looked at Alibaba using traditional McWhirter astrology and I note:
The recent October lows align to a 90 degree aspect between transiting Mars and natal Sun.
In mid-February 2015, Mars will be at 180 degrees to natal Sun.
December 2015 will see Jupiter make a 0 degree aspect to natal Sun ( a once in 12 year event). This could be a critical multi-year tipping point (good or bad…) for price of Alibaba.
January of 2017 will see Saturn make a 90 degree aspect to natal Sun. This likewise could be another critical point in time.
Cycles of Venus
The Venus cycle is 584 days in length as viewed from our geocentric position here on Earth. A typical Venus cycle starts at what is called Inferior Conjunction – when Venus is between Earth and the Sun as the following diagram illustrates.
After Inferior Conjunction, Venus is then visible in the morning eastern sky as the Morning Star for 263 days. For any of you familiar with the rituals of the Freemasons, you will recognize this reference to the Morning Star. Venus then goes through a period called Superior Conjunction (where Sun is between Earth and Venus) as the following diagram illustrates.
During the 50 days of superior Conjunction, Venus is not visible to the unaided human eye.
Once it does become visible again, it appears to us as an object in the western evening sky as the Evening Star for 263 days.
It then approaches Inferior Conjunction and a new cycle starts again.
To address the question of whether or not Venus impacts human emotion, consider the following:
- In early January 2014, Venus made the transition from being visible as the Evening Star to being at Inferior Conjunction. (ie a new 584 day cycle started…).
- Did the markets experience a reaction at this transition point? Look back to your charts and I think we can all agree that early January 2014 saw the onset of a brief period of human panic.
- In the 3rd week of September 2014, Venus made the transition from being visible as a Morning Star to being invisible to the un-aided human eye (ie the 50 day Superior Conjunction period started…).
- Did the markets experience a reaction at this transition point? Look back to your charts and I think we can all agree that late September 2014 saw the onset of another brief period of human panic.So, I have to conclude that our ancient brethren were right. There is a connection between human emotion and the Venus cycle.
- I will leave you with one more bit of trivia. At the conclusion of each Venus cycle, if one were to plot the zodiac location of Venus, an interesting pattern emerges.
- And so it goes… I have traced this cyclical behavior back to the 2007 market highs and I am sure if I continued tracing it back in time I would keep finding alignments to periods of trend change on the markets.
I will leave you with one more bit of trivia. At the conclusion of each 584 day Venus cycle, if one were to plot the zodiac location of Venus, an interesting pattern emerges.
The pattern is called a pentagon and the star pattern inside it is a pentagram. As noted above, throughout history, Venus has been associated with Gods and Goddesses of War. There is a building in Washington, DC where military commanders make war decisions. That building is the Pentagon and it is 5-sided. Now you know why this is so……
As of November 12th, Venus is now visible as an Evening Star and will remain so until early August 2015 at which time Inferior Conjunction will occur and a new cycle will start. Circle this early August timeframe on your trading calendars. Something will happen…..
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Welcome to the Blog Page of this website. For those of you who have been following my writings at, please note that I will gradually be phasing that blog site out and only posting content on this site.