PostHeaderIcon Declination – W.D. Gann’s powerful tool

I recently took the time to read Tunnel Through the Air, written by W.D. Gann in 1927. This book is part love story, part sci-fi novel and part war story. Through it all, Gann has embedded several clues as to where to find repetitive cycles that can assist one in trading. The story revolves around Robert Gordon, a farm lad from Texas who ends up making it big in New York. Gann lists several dates when young Robert traded Cotton futures. In order to decipher what Gann is telling you, it is critical to have a working knowledge of astrology. I soon enough figured out that Robert Gordon was looking to put on Cotton trades at times when a repetitive cycle was due. The repetitive cycle is planetary declination. The various planets revolve around the Sun following a plane of motion called the ‘ecliptic’ plane. Thanks to gravitational pull from the Sun, the various planets move above and below the ecliptic plane. Planets closer to Sun and thus more subject to Sun’s gravitational pull will wander above and below the ecliptic several times in a year. Slower moving, massive outer planets take longer to move above and below the ecliptic.

What I figured out from reading Gann’s book was that a trader should determine the declinations of the various planets at the first trade date. In the case of Cotton, I found the first trade date to be June 20, 1870. The declination data was obtained in my Solar Fire Gold software program. Alternatively, one could find this data on-line with a simple search.

Next I looked at a recent chart of Cotton. What I was looking for were definite highs and lows. I noted that in mid-January 2020, Cotton turned in a trend change that would see price fall 24 cents per pound. At this trend change, Saturn and Jupiter (two heavyweight planets) were parallel in declination to where they had been at Cotton’s first trade date. Mars was contra-parallel in declination. Moon had just made its maximum declination. The downward plunge in price came to an end at March 31, 2020 with Moon at maximum declination and Mars and Jupiter parallel to their first trade date declinations.

Note – if the first trade declination of ….say…Mars was +22 degrees, a parallel event would occur any time Mars passed through a declination level of +22 degrees. A contra-parallel event would occur when Mars passed through a declination level of – 22 degrees.

I have subsequently tested this technique on other commodities and some stocks too. I am absolutely stunned at how this technique works. And the most amazing thing – this technique is hidden in plain view. You just have to know where to look and what to look for.

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