Heliocentric Hard Aspects and Human Emotion
On page 114, Farrell recounts the story of how in 1946 RCA (Radio Corporation of America) erected a telescope in lower Manhattan to observe sunspots and their effect on radio wave transmissions. The RCA engineers correlated their sunspot observations to heliocentric planetary placements and they found some unique results. They found that hard aspects of
(Venus and / or Mercury) to any of Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus resulted in radio wave distortions.
With this in mind, I invite you to cast attention back to January 2014 when the North American markets started the year with a sell-off. In my December 2013 E-Alert I displayed a standard McWhirter chart of the coming Jan 1, 2014 New Moon and I stated – “I have outlined in yellow, the two T-Square formations that include the New Moon point in Capricorn.
Under the McWhirter approach, hard aspects involving Uranus and Mars imply some volatility for the month ahead”.
Let’s now overlay these comments with a heliocentric planetary chart for January 2, 2014 as follows:
Note the unique aspects that were in play at that time. Venus was 90 degrees Uranus. Venus was 0 degrees Earth. Earth was 90 degrees Uranus. Jupiter was 90 degrees Uranus. Jupiter was 0 degrees to Earth. Earth and Jupiter were 180 degrees to Pluto and Mercury. Mercury had just completed a 90 degree aspect to Uranus a couple days earlier. Earth and Jupiter were 120 degrees to Saturn. Earth and Venus were 120 degrees to Neptune. Mars was 180 degrees to Neptune. In addition, Mercury was at its maximum declination as was Venus.
Very simply stated – our solar system is a dynamic electrical one. We mortals here on Earth are the recipients of energy from the cosmos that arrives as a result of sunspots and solar radiation. These sunspots are affected by the gravitational forces between planets which range in magnitude as a result of planetary alignments. This energy in turn affects our bodies (which are mainly made of water and carbon) which produce emotions which affect our buying and selling decisions on the financial markets. This example profoundly illustrates how a complex arrangement of planets can trigger some major movements on the markets.
In a recent edition of my Astrology E-Alert I went on to illustrate to subscribers how unique heliocentric aspects were responsible for the market sell-off that started in late September 2014. To keep abreast of unique developments such as heliocentric aspects that can influence human emotion and the markets – I welcome you to become a subscriber to the E-Alert.