Soybeans and McWhirter Astrology
Soybean futures started trading for the first time on October 5, 1936. Thus, the transiting Sun will make a 0 degree hard aspect to Soybeans natal Sun early in October of each year. The following chart illustrates daily nearest Soybean prices.
I have overlaid this chart with the 0, 90 and 180 degree aspects of transiting Sun and transiting Mars to the natal Sun position. Note how back in April-June, 2014 Mars was Retrograde and this spent a good deal of time in and around the Soybeans natal Sun position. This event coincided with a price peak on Soybeans. More recently, Soybeans exhibited a trend shift at the end of September, just as transiting Sun was passing the natal sun location. This trend shift was confirmed by the Slow Stochastic. A price inflection point was registered in early November as Mars made a 90 degree aspect to the natal Sun location.
To add further to my observations in my Dec 10th E-Alert, please note that geocentric Mars will be 0 degrees to Uranus on March 5, 2015. Also at this time, Mars will be 120 degrees to Jupiter and Uranus will be 120 degrees to Jupiter.
** It is reasonable to then expect a significant development on Soybeans at this early March timeframe. **
Follow-up: The following chart shows that in fact something did happen to Soybeans price at or near March 5, 2015. Once again, McWhirter astrology prevails !