What is Covid really about?
Chapter 28 verse 10-11 of the Book of Exodus says: β You may plant your land for six years and gather its crops. But during the seventh year you must leave it alone and withdraw from itβ. This is the concept of the Shmitah Year. I first read about Shmitah in the books published by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.
The first Shmitah Year in the modern State of Israel was 1951-52. Subsequent years have been 1958-9, 1965-6, 1972-3, 1979-80, 1986-7, 1993-4, 2000-1, 2007-8, 2014-15 and now 2021-2.
There are some very powerful people who control the global financial markets. These people write the script for politicians and central bankers. Every Shmitah Year, something will happen that allows this group of inter-connected people to solidify their control over financial and political assets.
For example, 1950-1 saw the start of the Korean hostilities as the west sought tighter control over Asia. The period 1958-9 was marked by a sharp recession which elicited Government printing of money to prop up the economy. Who do you think were the beneficiaries of this? The period 1965-6 saw a sudden reversal of fortune as inflation pressures reared up. The banking sector tightened up on lending and credit to curtail inflation. The Dow Jones fell 18% in 1966. I wonder who benefited from that? The period 1972-3 is best known for the after-effects of the US leaving the Gold standard. In early 1973 the Dow Jones began to weaken and it fell by over 40%. I wonder who benefited from that move? The period 1979-80 is remembered for double digit interest rates. As interest rates were rising, bond prices were falling. I wonder who the short-sellers were? The period 1986-7 is again remembered for tightening rates. The net outcome was the Crash of β87. I wonder who benefited from all the cheap stocks for sale? The period 1993-4 is remembered for the Federal Reserve tightening interest rates. Again, bond short-sellers were the winners. The turmoil spilled over into Mexico, Argentine, Brazil and some Asian developing nations who had all issued dollar denominated debt to prop up their currency pegs to the US Dollar. When this became untenable to continue, these currencies collapsed resulting in bank failures. The IMF came to the rescue and the narrative script for very powerful people being able to crash foreign economies was written. The period 2000-1 is remembered for the crash of the Tech Bubble. I wonder who benefited from all the cheap, sold-off tech stocks that were available? The period 2007-8 is remembered for the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Somebody ended up buying the forfeited properties. I wonder who? The Shmitah year 2014 is marked by the start of a decline in Oil prices which did not bottom until Feb 2016. Somebody ended up with the exploration properties of all the failed Oil companies. I wonder who?
And here we are at the present. I have been asking myself what the theme will be for this Shmitah year. I thought perhaps rising interest rates. A few weeks back I thought maybe crypto currency. But, I have now realized that this Shmitah will be about using a health scare to solidify more control over Governments, people, and business. This health crisis seems to have been created in a Lab in Wuhan, China. Social distancing and face-masking seems effective in controlling its spread. But, every day the narrative gets even more bizarre. There are suddenly variants that have arrived at the party. Blocks of some economies are under lockdown. People are being divided and conquered by good news, bad news, and suddenly more news about the vaccines. Delays are being created in vaccine distribution. The puppet masters are bringing society to heel. Mainstream media is broadcasting case numbers each day in an effort to bring fear to people. How will this crisis benefit those in control? I suspect various Governments will reach the point of needing IMF assistance. At that point, the IMF masters will call the shots (remember Greece austerity?). Some corporations (Amazon, Fed Ex, Wal Mart) will make serious gobs of money. Small entrepreneurs will fail in droves. The market plunge of March 2020 was a test run to see if the puppet masters could make Governments cough up rescue money. This is a huge wealth transfer, the likes of which has never been seen. Once the puppet masters have gotten what they want, the Covid crisis will go away as quickly as it came. But the lingering effects will be painful. The puppet masters have now written the script for even tighter control over how society functions. Our ignorance of math and science has allowed us as a society to be led to this point. Precious few people understand the microbiology of a virus or a vaccine. We just take for granted what the mainstream media tells us. We dutifully line up to have someone ram a needle in our arm.
My astrology work suggests that the next Shmitah year in 2028-9 will see the world engaged in armed conflict. The puppet masters will use that opportunity to drastically thin the population. And of course they will make massive amounts of money.
But, no matter what happens, there will be a stock market. And I will keep using astrology and esoteric math to help people navigate the markets and seek out buying and selling opportunities. Astrology is the hidden language of the puppet masters and I will help people learn that language.